Fall Capsule Wardrobe: Wardrobe Staples You’ll Style All Season

It’s that time of year again where the leaves are changing color and it’s getting a little bit colder outside. Fall is one of my favorite seasons because I love dressing in cozy sweaters, drinking hot apple cider, and just enjoying this beautiful season! So for those who want to enjoy fall as much as possible without breaking your budget, here are my picks for the start of a great fall capsule wardrobe with only a handful of items that you style with anything all season long.

A capsule wardrobe is a small collection of pieces that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. This leaves you with more money in your budget for the season because less clothing needs to be purchased, meaning you’ll have more funds available for accessories and other items that bring personality into your outfits! Let’s get started on this autumnal style journey together.


