How I Make Celery Juice Without a Juicer

I’ve been juicing for a while now, I don’t do it daily like I used to but I always feel better when I start my day off with celery juice.

A few things to note: organic celery juice is milder than “from the bag” celery, for best taste I recommend an organic celery bunch from Whole Foods. Juicing one bunch of celery makes about 16-20 oz depending on the size of that bunch. I like to drink 16oz first thing in the morning on an empty stomach then eat breakfast 15 minutes after!

Here’s how I make my celery juice without a juicer!

Step 1: Rinse the celery, especially around the base of the stalk.

Step 2: Chop it into smaller pieces. Separate and discard the stems because they give the juice a more bitter taste. You can omit this step if you have a juicer but I would still suggest cutting the stems off for taste purposes.

Step 3: Add water and blend. (Disregard if you’re using a juicer) I put them into the blender with a small amount of water (maybe 1/4 cup) so that it blends more easily the blender blades don’t get stuck.

Step 5: Strain. What’s the in the blender is super pulpy and not very appetizing. I was initially using a metal wire strainer but so many people DM’d me about nut bags and it changed the game for me. It’s a super fine knit so you get only juice and zero pulp! All you have to do is squeeze the bag to get all the juice out!

Step 6: Enjoy. I drink mine from a mason jar so I know the exact amount I’m drinking (they have measurements on the side). I have grown to really like the taste and look forward to it every morning. I’ve noticed less bloating and clearer skin when I drink it consistently.

Give it a few days to get adjusted to the initial taste and I promise you’ll love it.
